S.T.O.P. League Randomizer

Seed: Uninitialized

S.T.O.P. League Rules
  1. All participants must be able to livestream their run(s). Offline or asynchronous races will not be allowed for this event. Emulators are not allowed for the event, but will be allowed for casual League races.
  2. Runners may start on a pre-made 0% Paris, France file with 0 coins and 5 lives, with all World Introduction cutscenes already watched if playing on Original. (See official rules listed on speedrun.com for reference).
  3. The use of cheat codes is not allowed.
  4. Timing starts upon selecting your load file for Paris, and ends upon the final hit to the boss listed in your 10th task. There will be no tie-breakers.
  5. Runners will only be paired with others playing on the same version.
  6. Runner pairs will be given their randomly generated chores list containing 10 tasks 5 minutes prior to the start of the race, and share the same list. This gives runners time to review their tasks and begin thinking about their route and strategy. The final 10th task will always be “Defeat X” where X is one of the members of the Fiendish Five. This means if you defeat this boss in order to keep progressing through the game to finish your other tasks, you must return and defeat them once more as your final task.